What Clients are saying

“Working with Hannah exceeded my expectations. I found Hannah’s consultation enlightening and she has a vast knowledge on nutrition and how it fits into the wide umbrella of health. I’ve been working with her for six months now and although our calls have reduced (because I need her less) Hannah will, without doubt, be someone I turn to throughout the rest of my life.


From working with Hannah, I appreciate the knock-on effect that nutrition can have on my body. I have every faith that Hannah has a full and in-depth understanding of the female experience to coach me as my body and it’s needs change.


Over the last 6-months I have seen improvements in:


  • Sleep quality (less unbroken sleep, more restful sleep. Now, I am more likely to bound out of bed between 5am-7am, excited to start the day)

  • General body acceptance

  • Knowledge of food, diet and nutrition and how the food I am eating is directly impacting my body

  • My skin has improved incredibly – this is in part due to Hannah’s guidance; my skin is better looked after from the inside out. (I feel I should caveat this and say that it is also in part from discovering and avoiding my eczema triggers, which are not food related.)

  • My mind is more restful, less full of chatter. This means that my workload has become more manageable, more enjoyable and more profitable too!

  • Reduced period pains – achieved through hormone balancing

  • Increased libido (and I didn’t even consider mine to be remotely low in the first place!)


Thanks for everything Hannah! I’m very happy”

Zoe, The Highlands

“Working with Hannah has had a huge impact on my life and health, after years of PMS and related issues, I no longer even notice my period approaching and have to track my cycle! I feel like I am equipped with the information to nourish myself properly, after years of restrictive eating, even without always realising it. I found the recipes and ideas for meal prepping really useful in changing the food culture in our family. I enjoy the way I eat now, which is including a lot more protein than I used too, and my sleep, mood and general mental health have improved too. I’d highly recommend Hannah and her approach”

– Tilly, Wiltshire

“We consulted with Hannah to support our 3 year old’s chronic and worsening eczema. Hannah was brilliant. She was an excellent listener, calm and knowledgeable. She explained everything very clearly and it is now considerably better and under control. She also sent us lots of excellent information including links to all supplements she suggested and child friendly healthy recipes! She remained available for followup questions long after the consultation and checked in regularly to find out about progress. After trying lots of horrible steroid creams that would temporarily clear the eczema up, Hannah’s approach has gently and progressively improved our daughters eczema whilst simultaneously strengthening her immune and sense of well being. We couldn’t thank her enough.”

– Nienke, Frome


“I came to see Hannah seeking support with my relationship to food. I had just been through a divorce and there was a lot of uncertainty in my life. I was over eating in response to anxiety and stress and not feeling good for it. I had 4 sessions and they were just brilliant. I felt really heard, not judged. Hannah has a beautiful way of being really understanding and compassionate while not patronising you.

She has a real depth of wisdom with her nutritional advice, there was no fancy, weird diet regimes or unnecessary supplements, just down to earth advice and support. I found the recipes and ideas for healthy snacking really useful. Those recipes are still with me, it’s really stuck as a way of eating. I have a much better, intuitive relationship with food now and I'm back in control and I have a lot of gratitude to Hannah, she’s a brilliant person to go and see.”

– Chris, Frome