Portrait of Hannah in black and white

If you are ready to start your journey to vibrant health get in touch through the bookings page, I’d love to hear from you.


My Approach

What Is Nutritional Therapy?

Nutritional therapy is the application of nutrition science in the promotion of optimum health. As a Nutritional therapist I use a wide range of tools to assess and identify potential nutritional imbalances and understand how these may contribute to your symptoms and health concerns.

I work with all health issues and can support you with any goals. However I have special interest in:

  • Digestion and gut health

  • Women’s Health & Hormones inc. PMS, painful periods, PCOS, endometriosis etc.

  • Low energy, Fatigue and Sleep Issues

  • Stress and Anxiety

  • Skin Health inc. acne and eczema

We dive deep into all areas of your health which allows me to build up a picture of how symptoms may be connected and identify the root causes. I then tailor a personalised plan to address these underlying causes and bring areas of health that need support back into balance.

My approach centres around bringing in nutrient dense foods and I do not subscribe to restrictive diets or extreme trends. I’m all about balance and sparking excitement for your exploration of new foods and recipes.

We work together to make sure your dietary plan works for you, as a framework to empower you to make positive choices about foods and meals that you enjoy and that work for your body.

While I work with food based changes wherever possible, our food and soil is sadly now so depleted that often supplements have a role to play. However I take a less is more approach, and use intelligently formulated food-based supplements and herbs over synthetic supplements.

I can arrange clinical testing and interpretation of results where this is relevant and something you’d like to do, but this is always optional.

As powerful as food is, it isn’t the only foundational pillar of health. I can also support you with making lifestyle changes to set you up for optimal health. This can range from thinking about sleep, light exposure, movement, breath, time in nature, or practices to support your nervous system. This is always only if it feels right for you to look at these aspects too.