Hannah Neville Green

Nutritional Therapist CNM dip

Headshot of Hannah Neville Green, Nutritionist in Exeter.

I’m a Nutritionist based in South Brent in South Devon, specialising in Women’s Health. I take a holistic approach to nutritional therapy, that is completely rooted in science, to empower you to discover your fullest health potential and discover a sustainable, joyful way of eating and living in balance.

Whether you are struggling with a particular condition or you are stressed, struggling with PMS or digestive issues. I see you, and It can be different. Vibrant health, happiness and ease is possible.

It can be seriously confusing wading through the score of conflicting health and nutrition advice out there! Maybe you’ve already tried diets and supplements that didn't work for you?

It doesn’t have to be this difficult. I work with my clients to tailor a plan that is perfectly created for your unique body and lifestyle. One that empowers you to make positive choices , providing your body with all the raw materials it needs to thrive. I am all about balance and pleasure with food, so I don’t go in for restrictive or extreme diets. Ultimately because they just don’t work!

Nutrition Consultations are currently all online.

Get in touch if you’d like to book a free 20 minute call to chat through your issues or goals and see if working together feels right for you. No obligation to book afterwards.

My Story & Qualifications

I studied Nutritional Therapy at the College of Naturopathic Medicine and Graduated in 2017. I have completed several further additional trainings to add to my knowledge base and continue to do so as new research evolves. I’m also registered member of the Association of Naturopathic Practitioners.

I live in South Devon with my partner and daughters. I have always loved food and cooking, but I deepened my knowledge of food as medicine when I was diagnosed with coeliac disease, an autoimmune reaction to gluten, in my early twenties. I was malnourished, I had terrible digestive and hormonal issues and I was totally exhausted. Nutritional therapy healed my gut, restored depleted nutrients and allowed me to feel vibrant again.

Now that I understand the incredible role food and nutrition can have in both contributing to and reversing health conditions, I am passionate about empowering others to overcome their health challenges too and live their best life. Together we create an achievable, delicious plan that becomes a way of life. Step by step.

Portrait of Hannah- Women's Health Nutritionist in Exeter.

“Working with Hannah has exceeded by expectations! Over the last 6 months i’ve seen huge improvements in sleep, my skin, my periods, libido and my general knowledge about nutrition and my body has grown. My mind is stiller, and I feel more able to manage my life and workload. Thanks for everything Hannah, I’m very happy!”

Zoe, the Highlands